February 4, 2023


This is just kind of a small creature type bait a designed at lunch one day. It’s suppose to be for crappie but we’ll have to see how it works as it’s still a work in progress….. It was a Failure..

I did a double design on it because I’m not sure if the legs (or are these arms?) forward swept design will have the right action or not.

Being a prototype I just designed small single cavities to begin with.

I printed up one of each design for testing.

The first design was the legs forward design. I kinda wanted to try the legs forward so if I stopped the bait while swimming it the legs would move back toward the front of the bait causing action in the pause. Will this work… only time and testing will tell.

Just in case that didn’t work I also designed  a more traditional design (not that this bait is traditional) with the legs to the rear.  This was as simple as just flipping one sketch in CAD.

The first test bait ready for testing.

Again…I’m not sure these swept forward legs/arms will have the right action or not.

The first “just in case” other design.

This version should work… in theory anyway.

In the hand for size reference.


This was pretty much a failure.  Like someone pointed out on Instagram the forward swept legs version didn’t have much action because the body interfered with the leg.  The other one had a bit of action but still had some interference and the long legs tended to get tangled in the hook. It also like to spin if that happened.  Shorter legs may work but I’m not really interested in perusing this design any further but will leave it up as a learning experience for others.

All Information, Pictures, and Material is copyright © 2023 by Stephen Thone and may not be used for any personal or commercial purposes without the consent of the author. All rights reserved. The Author makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of, or results to be obtained from accessing and using the Information herein.

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